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Our Governing board are a group of dedicated individuals who oversee the running of Leytonstone School. They ensure that any future plans for the school have been carefully considered for the benefit of our pupils, parents and staff.

Governors have a strategic role in the development of the school, focusing on:

  • Working with school leaders to develop the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils   
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

How are Governors appointed?

  • Staff Governors are elected by the staff of the school
  • Parent Governors are elected by parents/carers of students on roll
  • Co-opted Governors are elected by the Governing Body
  • Local Authority Governor is proposed by the Local Authority for election by the Governing Body

A Governor’s term of office is four years (except the Headteacher) after which time they may stand for re-election provided they are eligible.

Members of our Governing board

Head Teacher (1)


Co-opted Governors (7)








Local Authority Governor (1)


Parent Governors (2)



Staff Governor (1)


Mrs Jessica McQuaid


Ms Fiona Sinclair (Chair)

Mrs Marion O'Hara

Ms Shona Ramsay

Mr Dolapo Awoyinka

Mr Michael Harrison

Ms Natalie Downs

Ms Nicola McEwan




Ms Elizabeth Lay

Ms Abigail Hopper (Vice Chair)




Minutes of our Full Governing Body meetings can be obtained upon request from the school.

The Governing Body is supported by the work of two main committees, each of which meets once per term. Membership is as follows:

Resources Committee

Marion O'Hara (Chair)

Fiona Sinclair (Vice Chair)

Dolapo Awonyinka

Michael Harrison

Shona Ramsay

Jessica McQuaid (Head Teacher)

Click here for Resources Committee Terms of Reference document

Curriculum Committee

Shona Ramsay (Chair)

Elizabeth Lay (Vice Chair)

Fiona Sinclair

Nicola McEwen

Abigail Hopper 

Jessica McQuaid (Head Teacher)

Click here for Curriculum Committee Terms of Reference document